Riding The Tide

Cottesloe to Rottnest

Dimensions 1220 × 1220 mm
| Oil on Linen

There’s yellow Rottnest with the sun shining down and reflecting across the water. At the bottom of the picture, you can see the reef.

The Dingo Flour logo means a lot to me because it reminds me of flour, flour bags, cooking scones, domesticity and caring for people.

I had a lot of fun painting those clouds in this work. I love how clouds change. As they come and go, your view of the world is altered. I enjoy how all this movement plays out over the water. I am reminded of how bad times cloud over and block the light. They move away and things feel lighter once again. In this painting, I became very interested in textures on the surface of the water. In this painting, the whales are under the surface of the water as an outline.

This work is available for viewing at Sold.

Artwork Reference: CW83